My Research

I have 2.5 years of university-level research experience which includes one independent research project. In the Spring of 2023, I was honored with the Proctor Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship from the College of Creative Studies. Below, you'll find the project proposal that earned me this fellowship award, along with the resulting poster I presented at the 7th annual Research and Creative Activities Conference (RACA-CON) hosted by the College. 

During the 10-week fellowship period in the Caves Lab, I conducted full-time research on the thermal tolerance of benthic marine invertebrates, with a specific focus on designing experiments to measure the critical thermal maximum (CTMax) of cleaner shrimp and their host anemone. This project aimed to establish the resilience of the host anemone-cleaner shrimp-client fish mutualism to marine heat waves. Additionally, I mentored and trained two undergraduate students to continue to collect data and increase our sample size. 

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